Monday, August 31, 2015

Out of the Dark

Dark Matter... in the Dark Sector...

An article on Wired talks about how physicists are now looking at alternatives to the prevalent assumptions regarding Dark Matter. Instead of being small objects that only interact with normal matter through gravity, and with themselves not-at-all, they might just be complex objects that do interact with themselves in complex ways- much like the objects that make up our periodic table and galaxies.

Aside from being fascinating, this means we will have to discover and learn a new periodic table... a Dark periodic table. 

I'm glad I already passed chemistry in college.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

"Developer Experience" as an Aspect of Quality

Recently, a leader within my organization sent excerpts from Designing Great Web APIs around for reading, reflection, and discussion. The subtitle of this book is "Creating business value through developer experience."

James Higginbotham, the author, asserts that "entire markets are emerging where APIs compete for the attention of developers." I agree with this, and it tempts me to include this in my big list, Aspects of Quality. I could tuck it under 'invites repeated use', but I'm not sure that calls this out specifically enough.

As we design systems that are more open, made more as the middle-man, meant more for consumption of primaries, this becomes a critical factor in judging quality.

If we do look to test this specifically, what kind of test would it be? Usability? Desirability? Something new?

For now, I will think on these things, and look forward to your thoughts.